Today I took part in a dialog of what our community means to us. In preliminary conversations I heard 'what would you change', 'what don't you like', as well as what are the reasons you like living here. Unfortunately, I didn't just say nice, smiley things about the area. My social justice side came out when I talked about regentrification and the negative aspects renters are cloaked with. WHY CAN'T I JUST SKIM THE SURFACE and say everything nice with a smile?!! It's not lying, it's just presenting one part of a truth. I have a trunk full of racial/social justice, equality in housing, political signs...I left the physical signs there, but couldn't leave the message. I would never make a tactful politician. I couldn't play with the words fast enough. At least they can cut that part of my comments. Sorry, Ed.
Then I got to thinking...about tone and wording when talking about something like housing or economics in a community meeting. I hear, 'too often' the tone of: we're inclusive and we love/appreciate/cherish the diversity (race, ethnicity, education, income, life style). Unfortunately, too often this translates to we 'tolerate'; we want it as long as 'it' is in the same class (economically, educationally, income) as we are - upper middle to upper. Note, I said 'too often'. I also wonder how many times someone uses phrases without realizing how they sound. I have been SO guilty.
I'm off on a tangent, with little sense to it. I get frustrated with what is said versus the actions that evolve. Time to rest.