Friday, December 18, 2009

holiday pressure...and not

An overload of 'must do' over the weekend...too many divas and drama queens in my life right now...getting ready for a board holiday party at my place Monday night and leave on a 7am flight on Tuesday. Everything gets done...what doesn't wasn't important...and I sleep well anywhere. I sent my last package today and will be doing Christmas cards, aka happy new year cards, in the airport. At least way back in September, I was thinking about getting them done!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas in NYC

December has been TOO busy. I'll be spending Christmas in NYC, which will be pleasant for many reasons. The main one is that I'll be visiting with Sam. He's awesome. We'll visit with several of his friends, do a lot of walking - some places I've not explored on previous trips. Someone today was asking about where I'd spend Christmas. There is a chance that my older son will come up to the city while I'm there - that would be an extra special gift!

Christmas in New York City is splendid...the snowflakes over the avenues, the snow falling in Fort Tryon Park, the stops in so many coffee shops to stay warm, the art galleries, and visiting Sam's every day places. There is always something new. I've met only friendly, helpful people.

I love the subway rides...they are much more gentle than riding the el in Chicago. My dad and I used to take the el to baseball games and the race tracks. The el seemed to shockingly invade the lives of the people in apartments we'd rattle past. The subway, for the most part, keeps a more polite tone, concentrating on the life inside the car.

Shadows, reflections, buildings within buildings in Midtown...the hills and green space in Inwood...the street noise...the quick, ready switch from peddling tees or purses to umbrellas when the rain starts...the smooth, easy dances with other pedestrians, forever changing unknown partners on Time Square sidewalks...the bold, flashing billboards...probably the only place where billboards hold a secure, grand spot...coming out of the subway late at night and sometimes being the only two people around.

Christmas in NY is where I can feel as if I have walked into Christmas Holiday...serenity, comfort, lots of love and joy all around. Even moving through the airports and waiting, with a slight tension, for my boarding call feels comfortable and at ease. Right up to the day I leave I will be cleaning or working...and then walk into a completely different world.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bits and pieces

With this blustery snow come the children on their bikes and makeshift sleds, squealing down Fourth Street. I watch, hoping the cars on Bates approach slowly and actually stop.

People seem extra friendly in the challenging cold. I like that.

I came into work on Monday to find a card and a small plastic bag at my desk. A library patron left it for me. He stays at the Gospel Mission. On the Christmas card, with his name, was the message: 'Thanks for being nice to me'. In the bag was a program from a recent Gospel Mission music program and a safety booklet for our library/university, and an assortment of hotel size shampoos, soaps and plastic utensils; all things I can definitely use! This is one of the greatest, heartwarming gifts of the season. Thank you, D_______!

Also, yesterday when I was filling in at the help desk, a woman approached and I smiled at her....the first thing she said was, 'Thank you for smiling'. We can touch people in so many ways...a smile, a greeting...yet some people grip them tightly and selfishly as if smiles and warmth were pieces of gold they were being asked to share.

Safe at Office Depot

Another 'Huh?' moment....and I can fully understand the motivation behind the policy, but.....
So here I am, a stout, grey-haired woman. I purchased a large piece of foam core at Office Depot several days ago. It was larger than I needed, but they had nothing smaller. I took it to my Metro and it filled the space from the very rear to inches of the dash. I took it back inside the store (this was after waiting about 15 minutes, at three different registers/clerks because of returns, etc. only one customer at each register) to get it cut down to fit.

I asked the first available clerk if he had an xacto so that I could get this cut. He looked at me as if I had just pulled a gun. He said no, no xacto, so I suggested a box cutter. A long pause before he said they use keys around there to open boxes, and they don't allow customers to have knives in the store. Then another clerk - these were both males - came up and the first explained, asking the second if he had his box cutter. He hesitated quite a while, and said they couldn't take legal responsibility in cutting the foam core; I told them both that I would do it, placing it on the floor, and if I raised the cutter in any way that appeared terroristic, he could stomp on my hand. Only then, with the second man standing over me, was I able to crease the board to fit my car! I guess we are safe at Office Depot!